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Virtual Servers (VPS) in United Kingdom

Virtualization KVM. Location: Coventry, United Kingdom

UK Start

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  • 1 x vCPU
    1 GB RAM
    25 GB SSD
    150 Mbit/s
    1 IP address
    unlimited traffic
    Coventry, England

UK Fast

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  • 4 x vCPU
    8 GB RAM
    90 GB SSD
    250 Mbit/s
    1 IP address
    unlimited traffic
    Coventry, England

UK Silver

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  • 8 x vCPU
    12 GB RAM
    150 GB SSD
    450 Mbit/s
    1 IP address
    unlimited traffic
    Coventry, England

UK Gold

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  • 16 x vCPU
    16 GB RAM
    210 GB SSD
    450 Mbit/s
    1 IP address
    unlimited traffic
    Coventry, England

UK Platinum

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  • 24 x vCPU
    32 GB RAM
    410 GB SSD
    500 Mbit/s
    1 IP address
    unlimited traffic
    Coventry, England
Included with every tariff
  • Outgoing SMTP is blocked
  • No backups available
  • No VNC console
  • Unlimited traffic

Virtual server in United Kingdom

UK Servers Data Center is located in the industrial and cultural center - the city of Coventry, England. The state-of-the-art environmental cooling system is 80% more efficient than conventional air conditioning. A multi-level power supply system ensures uninterrupted operation for 2 days. The data center is connected to LINX (London Internet Exchange).