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Virtual Servers (VPS) in Switzerland

Virtualization KVM. Location: Geneva, Switzerland.

CH Start

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  • 1 x vCPU
    1 GB RAM
    25 GB SSD
    150 Mbit/s
    1 IP address
    unlimited traffic
    Geneva, Switzerland

CH Fast

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  • 4 x vCPU
    8 GB RAM
    90 GB SSD
    250 Mbit/s
    1 IP address
    unlimited traffic
    Geneva, Switzerland

CH Silver

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  • 8 x vCPU
    12 GB RAM
    150 GB SSD
    450 Mbit/s
    1 IP address
    unlimited traffic
    Geneva, Switzerland

CH Gold

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  • 16 x vCPU
    16 GB RAM
    210 GB SSD
    450 Mbit/s
    1 IP address
    unlimited traffic
    Geneva, Switzerland

CH Platinum

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  • 24 x vCPU
    32 GB RAM
    410 GB SSD
    500 Mbit/s
    1 IP address
    unlimited traffic
    Geneva, Switzerland
Included with every tariff
  • Outgoing SMTP is blocked
  • No backups available
  • No VNC console
  • Unlimited traffic

Virtual Server in Switzerland

The data center of Digitale Suisse AG is located in the canton of Zug, Geneva. It is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods as well as the financial region of the country. Everything is according to Swiss standards: backup air conditioning, power supply (diesel and UPS), emergency power supply system, latest generation security system, fire protection and much more.