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What is the difference between VPS and hosting

If we were to collect a rating of the most popular questions, this topic about the differences between the two options was sure to appear in the top. So we suggest discussing which is better: hosting or VPS.

What is hosting

This is a service that allows you to place your website files on a server so that internet users can see it. Shared hosting is when multiple websites are hosted on the same server, with each occupying a separate space but using common software. This is similar to a dormitory where each occupant has their own room, but there are common areas, such as the kitchen. With shared hosting you do not have full control over the server, it does not require special knowledge to manage.

What is a VPS

If you are planning to expand your project and attract more traffic, a virtual private server (VPS, virtual private server) is the right solution for you. This is a place where a part of the physical server resources is allocated for one client only. There are no "neighbors" here, so no one can take your memory or traffic. Slow loading of the site is possible only if there are a lot of users or the administrator uploads heavy files.
Comparing virtual servers with physical servers is not always correct, because several VPSs can run on one physical server. This is no longer a communal apartment, but a multi-storey building with a common entrance and load-bearing structures. To create separate "apartments" (VPS) in one "house" (on a physical server), operating system tools and virtualization technologies are used.
When you order VPS hosting service, the provider creates the configuration of your choice, and then the maintenance of the system falls on the shoulders of the client. You can install the software you need and customize it as you see fit. VPS also has its own IP address, which you don't have to share with other neighbors.

VPS and hosting - what are the differences - let's look for it

As we said above, shared hosting does not require complex administration. The client will not have to install, configure and update system and application software himself. On VPS, the client can choose the OS he needs (not necessarily Linux) and install any software. There are other differences as well.


If you host your website on a VPS, it will coexist in parallel with other projects that also use that physical server. But each VPS has its own resources that are not redistributed between them.
In shared hosting, resources are usually distributed evenly between projects, but if one site needs more power - the server itself will redistribute resources.


For projects with a constant flow of visitors, VPS is considered the best option. However, in case of a sudden increase in traffic, hosting can be more efficient if your neighbors are not overloading the server at the same time. A shared physical server will process user requests faster and distribute the missing resources.
But if your neighbors have a sudden increase in visitors, your site may be slower. Hosting companies usually monitor the load and ask the owner of the problem site to limit the traffic, but this does not always happen. So be prepared that a DDoS attack on a neighboring site will affect your web project as well.

Where administration is easier and more convenient

If you do not know how to configure server operating systems, it is better not to try to install VPS yourself - it threatens to lose time, money and nerves. As a last resort, there are plans where you can rent a virtual server with free administration
Shared hosting can be managed using the control panel offered by the hoster. It is easy to master for beginners, but has limited functionality.

Safety and reliability

DDoS attacks to which neighboring sites may be subjected do not affect web projects hosted on the VPS. This means that you are not dependent on other clients whose projects are hosted on the same physical machine. However, unlike hosting, you have to ensure your own security
In the case of shared hosting, security is handled by the provider.

Is there a difference in price

When comparing the offers of hosting providers, it is obvious that VPS prices are higher than shared hosting because of more resources and their guarantees.

Which option is safer and more reliable?

At first glance, it seems that placing sites on regular hosting is safer. The provider itself keeps the server software up to date, but attackers do not always exploit vulnerabilities in the system software. Often they hack into sites using improperly configured content management systems and unprotected scripts. In this aspect, traditional hosting has no advantage. But the main problem with hosting is a common IP address for multiple sites.
  • If one of your neighbors gets hacked and starts using the domain for spam or other malicious activities, the shared IP address may be blacklisted.
  • If one of your neighbors suffers a DDoS attack or puts a heavy load on the server, the other users will also be affected.
A VPS virtual server is assigned a separate IP, and not necessarily one, you can install additional DDoS protection services and antivirus programs. Therefore, in terms of security and reliability, VPS/VDS is superior to traditional hosting, provided that the installed software is regularly updated.

What is better to choose: hosting or VPS (VDS)

The choice between hosting and VPS depends on your goals and needs. If you need to place a simple site with low traffic, shared hosting is the right option. But if your project is large and requires high performance (for example, a game server or a large portal), it is better to choose VPS. Also, if you need specific customizations, it is better to take a VPS, while web hosting is suitable for standard applications. That said, don't forget that managing a VPS requires administration skills and can be a daunting task.

Summary - the difference between hosting and VPS

If you are just starting your way in website administration, choose a regular shared hosting with automatic CMS installation. This option will greatly simplify your life and help you avoid unnecessary problems.
If you are an experienced webmaster and shared hosting is not enough, you should consider a virtual dedicated server.
Don't forget that you can always order a VPS from EuroHoster with a professional Plesk control panel or a cheaper analog of ISPmanager and as a result you can get comprehensive technical support equal to that of shared hosting. Good luck!
23 Apr 2024, 18:40:58

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