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Installing and configuring Git for Ubuntu

Git for Ubuntu is a powerful and popular Version Control System (VCS) that allows you to track changes in source code and manage collaboration on projects. It is widely used in development teams, especially in large projects where work on different parts of the code is done in parallel.

Git's main features

  • Change tracking. Captures changes in the code, which allows you to restore previous versions and track the history of modifications.
  • Creating commits. Git allows you to create “snapshots” of the current state of your project. This makes it easy to track progress.
  • Branching and merging. Developers can create branches to work on new features or fixes that can later be merged into the main project branch.
  • Conflict detection and resolution. Automatically detects conflicts when several developers work with the same code at the same time and helps to resolve them.
Let's take a look at how to install and configure Git on Ubuntu using two main methods: via the APT package manager and compiling the source code.

Installing Ubuntu Git through the APT package manager

This method is simple and fast. Suitable for those who want to install a stable version of Ubuntu Git without using the latest features.

Step 1: Update the package index

Before proceeding with the installation, it is recommended that you update the package list on your Ubuntu server. To do this, run the following command:
apt updateThis ensures that you are doing a Git Ubuntu installation of the latest version that is available in the repositories.

Step 2: Installing Git

Now you can install Git on Ubuntu using the APT package manager. To do so, run the following command:
apt install git

Step 3: Check the version

After completing the Git installation on Ubuntu, verify that it is correct:
git --versionThe expected output would look something like this:
git version 2.43.0
This completes the Git installation on Ubuntu. Now you can move on to customization.

Installing Git from source

The method is suitable for those who want to install the latest version of Git or gain more control over compilation options. Installing from source requires more time and skill.

Step 1: Installing dependencies

Before you can start compiling, you need to install a few packages and install the necessary dependencies:
apt install gettext cmake gcc libexpat1-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev

Step 2: Downloading source code

To download the latest version of Git, go to the GitHub website and select the version you want. Download it using the command:

Step 3: Unpacking and compilation

Unzip the downloaded file:
tar xvf v2.46.2.tar.gzNavigate to the unzipped directory:
cd git-2.46.2Now you can compile and install Git:
make prefix=/usr all && make prefix=/usr install

Step 4: Verification

After the installation is complete, restart the current shell:
exec bashThen check the version of Git you have installed:
git --versionExpected conclusion:
git version 2.46.2
This completes the installation of Git from source.

Git customization

After installing git on ubuntu, you need to do some initial setup to make it convenient to work with repositories. To do this, you need to specify your name and email address, which will be saved in every commit.

Use the commands:
git config --global "Your name"
git config --global "[email protected]"
To ensure that the settings are applied, run the command:
git config --listThe output should contain strings with your name and email. If the information is displayed correctly, you are ready to work with Git. Otherwise, verify that the data you entered is correct and reconfigure.

Manual editing of the configuration

Git settings are stored in a special configuration file that can be edited manually. This file is located at /root/.gitconfig. If you need to make manual changes, open this file with a text editor:
nano ~/.gitconfigThe contents of the configuration file look like this:
        name = Your name
        email = [email protected]
Setting up Git correctly is key, especially when working in a team. If you don't provide a name and email, Git will display warnings about missing data every time you commit. This creates additional complexity, as you will have to manually correct errors in each commit.

Useful facts about Git

  • Git was created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds to manage the Linux kernel source code. Since then, the tool is considered one of the most popular version control solutions and is used by many companies around the world. 
  • One of the key advantages is the distributed architecture. Each user copies the full repository to his machine, which allows him to work autonomously without the need for constant connection to a central server. This greatly increases flexibility and speed of development, especially in conditions of limited network access.
  • GitLab is a platform for storing and managing Git repositories. It allows teams to collaboratively develop projects, make changes to code, and revert to previous versions as needed. This solution can be deployed either on a local server or in the cloud.
  • Git supports several protocols for communicating with remote servers, including HTTP, SSH, and Git's own Git protocol. This allows it to be customized to work in any network environment, making it a handy tool for system administrators.
  • GitHub is a popular platform for Git that has served as a service for hosting Git-based projects since its inception. For example, in 2022, the number of repositories on the platform exceeded 340 million, which confirms the global popularity of Git.


Git is an indispensable tool for working with projects of any complexity. With its help you can effectively manage changes in code, work in a team and maintain project stability. Installing Git on Ubuntu 24.04 can be done either through the APT package manager or by compiling from source code, depending on your needs. Once it's set up, you'll be ready to fully work with the version control system.
02 Oct 2024, 11:35:23