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Privacy Policy

1. The Provider is entitled to collect and use information about the Clients. Information by which the person can be identified may include name, surname, location, phone number and e-mail.
2. Through their e-mail and password, any registered Client have access in online regime to their profile where they can correct and update their personal data stored by Provider.
3. The Provider attends to the collecting, processing and storage of Client's personal information in strict compliance with the provisions of the Law for protection of personal data.
4. The Provider attends to and is responsible for protection of the Client’s information that has become known to him in relation to the provision of services, subject to these Terms, except in cases of force majeure, accident or malicious acts of third parties, and in cases where the Client himself has made this information available to third parties.
5. The Provider collects and uses information on clause 1 for the purposes specified in this Agreement, including for offering new services to Client, for stock, questioning, for statistical and any other purposes, while registering for the use of the services, the Client agrees to receive trading messages sent Provider.
6. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Client agrees to the processing of his personal data for direct marketing purposes. The Client has the right to express disagreement with the processing of his personal data for direct marketing purposes, turning off this opportunity in his personal account or by clicking on the link to refuse marketing services.
7. The Provider undertakes not to edit or disclose any personal information about the Client and the services used by him and not to provide the collected information to third parties - state authorities, trading companies, individuals and others, except as provided by law.
8. When using the site, the Provider has the right to automatically store certain information that the computer or other end device of the Client sent to the Provider's server in connection with the Client's activity. The information is stored in the log files on the Provider's servers and can include the Client's IP address, the date and the hour when they visited the corresponding page of the site, the duration of the presence there, and so on. In addition, the Provider retains the Client\'s IP address, as well as any information necessary to identify the Client.
9. The Provider has the right, but does not undertake, to install cookies on the computer or any other extreme device of the Client - small text files that are saved by the internet page through the server on the disk of the Client and enable the Client to recover information identifying it, as well as for tracking his actions.